Welcome to the Sgt Gas Mask Blog! 

Well...It looks like you found the official blog for Sgt Gas Mask...Outstanding! This is the spot for you to comment on the Sgt and his reviews. The Sgt loves to review videos on youtube and to give you a heads up on anything good on the horizon. If you would like to learn more about Sgt Gas Mask or if you would like the Sgt to review one of your videos or to give your youtube channel a shout-out. Then feel free to visit him on his home channel on youtube "seacams". You can also find the Sgt on Twitter @Sgt_Gas_Mask and on Facebook under Sgt Gas Mask TV. Remember to subscribe and If the Sgt likes your video on youtube. Then it may get a thumbs up! Thanks for watching....

Sgt Gas Mask is celebrating his 100,000 view goal on youtube and wants to thank all of his fans,subscribers and supporters for helping to achieve this goal in only 3 1/2 months...Outstanding! This was a huge milestone and only made possible by all the fans out there that supported the Sgt. But we're just getting started here and there are many more videos to come,so stayed tuned. Once again I can only credit all those folks that supported Sgt Gas Mask and his reviews all this time. I'm glad so many of you enjoy this as much as I do and inspires me to keep going and to continue tracking down some of the best videos on youtube for you to watch. I gotta give all of you a thumbs up....

Hey everyone,I'm excited to announce the formation of a new international network of gas mask enthusiast called the "Gas Mask Society". This is a forum for people all over the world that are gas mask aficionados to get together and discuss whatever they want. Whether it be Armageddon,funny videos,zombie apocalypses and of course gas masks. Everyone is welcome to join in,all you need are three things. A gas mask an internet connection and a video camera or web cam and you can use your youtube channel to be part of the network. Just remember to end the titles of your videos with "Gas Mask Society". So other members can recognize who you are and have a chance to respond to your videos. Remember this is a community so keep it friendly and above all. Remember to have fun...

It's the one year anniversary of Sgt Gas Mask on youtube and the Sgt would like to thank all of his viewers and subscribers for all their support over the last year. This has been a growing process for me and would not be possible without all of you. I would like to thank all of my subscribers that believed in the Sgt early on and got me started off with a good push. You guys rock,plus all the large channels that lent their support. With a special thanks going to Alltime10's on youtube for all of their support and tweets. They have helped the Seacams channel grow with their help. Breaking 300,000 views this week,just a few days before the one year anniversary of Sgt Gas Mask. I would also like to thank the guys part of The Gas Mask Society. This is just the first year of Sgt Gas Mask and there's a lot more videos to go. So I'll keep at it and keep hunting down some of the best videos on youtube. I have to give all of you a thumbs up...


  1. You there, this is really good post here. Thanks for taking the time to post such valuable information. Quality content is what always gets the visitors coming. Gas Mask Bong

  2. Gas Mask Bong When your website or blog goes live for the first time, it is exciting. That is until you realize no one but you and your.
